Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Wicked Beautiful Day

Hey, we still have beautiful annuals, perennials,roses, clematis and hanging baskets to beautify your home! And all your other gardening needs. Check us out. www.catskillmountaincountrystore.com Have a cool day, Wicked out!

Brake out again

The roosters started crowing extra early today!!! We were all awoken by the goats jumping the fence, standing on the rock wall and singing "The Hills are alive...with the sound of music.... The pigs joined in, wow! what a sound! Everyone is back in! It is going to be a HOT one today. Humans...put on the sun screen and drink lots of water. Here in my barnyard, we drink lots of water, but only the pigs have to concern themselves with sun screen. Yes, pigs can get sunburn. Our feathers protect us nicely.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Fresh Vegetables and pancakes

I love people!!!!  It is Memorial Day Weekend, and there are lots of people around!  They are eating in our restaurant and leaving lots of scrapes.....fresh veggies and pancakes on there plates. Good lickens' for the chickens!!!   I think we serve to much food... but, The Shusters do not want anyone to leave here hungry!!!  And they never do!!  I can smell bacon cooking right now!  I always tell the pigs that it is not bacon cooking....but, you know,  pigs are very smart!  I also smell pies, pies, pies baking.  Perfect for your picnic this weekend.  I gotta go...here comes a bucket of yesterdays scrapes...Yum!!!  Wicked out! 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

what a day

The sun was shining ALLL DAY! My chicks were loving life.I was loving life . This is what being a spring chicken is all about. Even though I am not,sure feel like it today. So much happening at the Catskill Mountain Country Store today .Rock wall finished,new waterfall  finished .Beautiful flowers everywhere. Drew is going to start my new barn any day now. . I have never had a new home. Hope it does not take too long cause ,you know , I AM NOT REALLY A SPRING CHICKEN. Hear that Drew ?Hope to see you all soon. Wicked Out

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Can you believe it !!!! I can actually see the sun setting. And it feels so warm.  Yes, chickens can feel heat through their feathers.  It looks like Memorial Day weekend will be a o.k.  Let's have some positive Karma going the way of the sun!!!  Remember lots of hanging basket , annuals, vegetable and perennials here at The Catskill Mountain Country Store.  We have also started our barn yard project.  My barn yard friends and I, are going to have a new  place to live.  Wickeds' Barn Yard and Looking Zoo, all very exciting, if you ask me.  The kids are almost finished with the Bunny Condo...very proud of them...even though I did not hatch them.  Speaking of just hatched!  My chicks are very chirpy!!  The dictionary says that is a word!!!  I am getting ready to roost for the night.... Wicked out!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

break out !!!

Pretty exciting times here at The Catskill Mountain Country Store ! Last night all the mini goats were running around the entire property.Seems they broke thru the fencing and decided they wanted to taste the beautiful flowers in the greenhouse.  My chicks were laughing up a storm watching Judy track em down.Once they were back in the barn they swore me to secrecy, they have a new plan! Got up this morning and Penolope the rabbit busted thru her gate, she is strong, seems P wanted to see the new rabbit condos that Gus is building. Judy tracked her down too.Never a dull moment at The Catskill Mountain Country Store. Say hello when you visit.Wicked Out!

Friday, May 20, 2011


Hi everyone! Congratulations are definitely in order.We had 12 count em 12 hours of sunshine on Thursday and then 8 hours more on Friday... My new chicks just love the sun and speaking of sun it sure does bring out the people. They are filling the greenhouse and taking out all those beautiful flowers from the Catskill Mountain Country Store.Well our head weather chick,here in the coop ,is calling for a beautiful weekend. Unlike the human type our weather chick is right almost all the time. Hope we see you soon. Wicked out!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Baby Chick

  Well, Well, Well...hatched five baby chicks today!!!  Very exciting...they will not be available to look at in the looking zoo for about two weeks.  We have to get some warmer weather.  Speaking of that, We are getting close to the no frost day for the mountain top.  The Catskill Mountain Country Store has so many nice flowers, waiting just for you! I would love to get in the greenhouse and eat some tasty flowers.  I better not, I would loose my job as spokes chicken for the store, my contract is very specific. I must get back to my chicks.  You know I am a Wicked Mama!
Wicked out!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wicked Blog

Good afternoon!!! I am very tired today!  Maybe it is the weather , or maybe it is the 26 eggs I am sitting on.  My sister and daughter chickens share the responsibility for keeping our eggs warm.  Not all hen houses are like that.  Maybe someone can do a reality show on me and my flock. "Wicked Chick and her faithful flock"!.... Look... there is a little bit of action at The Catskill Mountain Country Store.  Fed Ex and UPS just dropped off some boxes.  New gift items,signs with great sayings...lots of fun stuff.  Are you wondering how I know what's in the boxes?  Remember chickens can read, turkeys can not... I am going to take a look...  Think sun.  Wicked out!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Over fed

I love living at The Catskill Mountain Country Store!!!!  This weekend there were lots of scraps!!!  That means people did not clean there plates...We recycle almost everything here .  What the customers do not finish the animals get and what we can not eat goes into a compost pile.  I love the pancakes and the waffles.  The pigs love the eggs, AND why not, us chickens lay great tasting eggs.  By the way, my eggs are green...yes GREEN eggs.  I am an Arcana Chicken.  You can get ham with you green eggs.  Not from my friends the pigs.  I have tried everything at the restaurant....sooooo goood!!!  Stop by and leave a little on your plate for me.  Wicked out!  

Sunday, May 15, 2011

More rain More flowers!!!

It is raining again...Well, the trees and flowers like it.  The Catskill Mountain Country Store has lots of beautiful flowers for sale...and many gardens...my fellow chickens and I like to scratch the loose dirt in the gardens...we get in trouble though...sometimes it is worth it.  We go pick all the bad bugs and grubs...also ticks.  Chickens are so good, they eat all those bad ticks that cause disease.  Remember to protect your cats and dogs and to check for ticks when you come inside.  I have heard there are more ticks this year do to all the rain.  I am going to go lay an egg and take a nap.  Enjoy your day!  Wicked out!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Spring rain

It is raining here at The Catskill Mountain Country Store... I think we need the rain...but, what does a chicken know?  A lot ..Chickens are very smart...unlike turkeys, that will not get out of the rain.  They can not read either so they will not see this post.   Sorry Tom and Lisa turkey.   We are also smart enough not to invade someone elses barn yard...even if there is oil...oopps food there.. Good advice from the Chicken.  Getting late going to hop onto my roost...Wicked Out

Blogging again

WOW!!! What a great stretch of weather here in the Northern Catskills....My fellow chickens keep getting out of the pen...you know, " the grass is always greener".... Hopefully our new barn will be built this spring-summer!!!  Have a Wicked Day!

My First Blogg...Wicked

 Hi,  I am the new spokes chicken for The Catskill Mountain Country Store and Restaurant.  I was hatched here eleven years ago.  This is a great place to live.  I run a looking zoo with  rabbits (new babies), pigs, mini horses, fainting and mini goats, pea foul, turkeys and of coarse many of my fellow chickens.  Bring the family for breakfast or lunch ,shop a little, (You can buy a t-shirt with me on it).  Yea!!  Then come visit my looking zoo. Looking forward to meeting You!  Wildly Wicked